Michael Mandler's Homepage
I'm a professor of economics in the
Economics Department at
Royal Holloway College, University of
Department of Economics
Royal Holloway College, University of London
Egham, TW20 0EX
United Kingdom
Tel: 44 (0)1784 44 3985
Email: m.mandler@rhul.ac.uk
Here are some recent published papers:
Endogenous indeterminacy and volatility of asset prices under ambiguity (in Theoretical Economics 2013)
Indecisiveness in behavioral welfare economics (in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2014)
Irrationality proofness: markets versus games (in the International Economic Review 2014)
Rational agents are the quickest (in the Journal of Economic Theory 2015)
The benefits of risky science (in the Economic Journal 2017)
Piracy versus monopoly in the market for conspicuous consumption (in the Economic Journal 2018)
Coarse, efficient decision-making (in the Journal of the European Economic Association 2020)
Distributive justice for behavioral welfare economics (in the Economic Journal 2020)
The lexicographic method in preference theory (in Economic Theory 2020)
A quick proof of the order-extension principle (in the American Mathematical Monthly 2020)
Increasing returns and the efficient acquisition of information (in the Journal of Economic Theory 2024)
The pure advantage of risk in production (in the European Economic Review 2024)
And some more papers:
Cardinality versus Ordinality: A Suggested Compromise (in the American Economic Review)
Fragility of information aggregation in large elections (shorter version in Games and Economic Behavior)
Harsanyi's Utilitarianism via Linear Programming (in Economics Letters)
How to win a large election (in Games and Economic Behavior)
Incomplete Preferences and Rational Intransitivity of Choice (in Games and Economic Behavior)
Indifference and Incompleteness Distinguished by Rational Trade (in Games and Economic Behavior)
Million Answers to Twenty Questions: Choosing by Checklist (in Journal of Economic Theory)
Policy Discrimination with and without Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility (in Economic Theory)
Rationality and the speed of decision-making (in Proceedings of TARK XII, 2009)
Status Quo Maintenance Reconsidered: Changing or Incomplete Preferences? (in the Economic Journal)
Strategies as states (in the Journal of Economic Theory)
A unified explanation of reference dependence, loss aversion, and the reflection effect
Competitive information discovery
Welfare Economics with Status Quo Bias: a Policy Paralysis Problem and Cure
Accessible Pareto-Improvements: Using Market Information to Reform Inefficiencies
Quantity Observations as a Path to Pareto Improvements
Compromises Between Cardinality and Ordinality in Preference Theory and Social Choice
Transitive Orderings of Properties of Utility Functions
The Sequential Indeterminacy Problem
A Difficult Choice in Preference Theory: Rationality Implies Completeness or Transitivity But Not Both
Classical and neoclassical indeterminacy in one-shot vs.
ongoing equilibria
Human Rights Conditions on Foreign Aid Can Backfire
Well-Behaved Production Economies
Factor prices in general equilibrium (for the New Palgrave)
Sraffian economics (new developments) (for the New Palgrave)
Links to some slightly older papers:
Simple Pareto-Improving Policies in the Journal of Economic Theory.
Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility and the Policy Paralysis Problem in Social Choice and Welfare.
Sequential Indeterminacy in Production Economies in the Journal of Economic Theory.
Sequential Regularity in Production Economies in the Journal of Mathematical Economics.
Sraffian Indeterminacy in General Equilibrium in the Review of Economic Studies.
And a link if you want to buy my book Dilemmas in Economic Theory.