
The core element of the Terahertz camera is the ultra-sensitive sensor. We use semiconductor quantum dot (QD) coupled to single electron transistor (SET) to detect individual THz photons, see the picture. The QD is formed in 2DEG channel by mesa patterning and biased gates, see (A). The aluminum SET is formed at the top of the QD. The SET senses change of the potential when electron is excited out of QD upon absorption of the THz photon, see (B). Each event of the electron excitation is seen as telegraph-like jump of the SET conductance, see (C). The conductance is recovered back when the electron comes back and the QD is relaxed. Thus one can use this system to detect THz photon by counting switches of the SET conductance. The device device is a development of the original THz sensor proposed by us a few years ago. Two remaining component of the Terahertz camera, optical system and spectral filters, are also on the list of the development at RHUL.  


Research and skill

The project includes theoretical analysis and nanofabrication components of the Terahertz camera at RHUL Nanotechnology centre . The operation of the devices and related physical phenomena are  studied at our low temperatures facilities. Scanning Electron Microscope picture of the sensor fabricated and studied at RHUL is shown in a picture. The QD is formed in 2DEG mesa channel by negatively biasing two cross gates (CG). The QD is capacitively coupled to the aluminum SET sitting at the top of mesa channel. 


The project is carried out in collaboration with Tokyo University and a group at National Physical Laboratory of UK.


The research is supported by EPSRC GR/N37407/01/(P), “ Novel High Sensitive Hybrid Detector in Far-Infrared Range”, July 2000-July 2002; Japan Science and Technology Corp, “Development of Infrared Detectors and Exploration of Near-Field Infrared microscopy”, April 2002-March 2006; Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) Integrated Project “TERAEYE: Q-Dot Terahertz Security Imager/Scanner”, September 2006- September 2010

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