As documented at the beginning of this chapter, multiple views can be opened at once, and views can be split into multiple panes.
View>New View creates a new view.
View>New Plain View creates a new view but without any tool bars or docked windows. This can be used to open a small window for taking notes and so on.
View>Close View closes the current view. If only one view is open, closing it will exit jEdit, unless background mode is on; see Chapter 2, Starting jEdit for information about starting jEdit in background mode.
View>Split Horizontally (shortcut: C+2) splits the view into two text areas, placed above each other.
View>Split Vertically (shortcut: C+3) splits the view into two text areas, placed next to each other.
View>Unsplit Current (shortcut: C+0) removes the split containing the current text area only.
View>Unsplit All (shortcut: C+1) removes all splits from the view.
When a view is split, editing commands operate on the text area that has keyboard focus. To give a text area keyboard focus, click in it with the mouse, or use the following commands.
View>Go to Previous Text Area (shortcut: A+PAGE_UP) shifts keyboard focus to the previous text area.
View>Go to Next Text Area (shortcut: A+PAGE_DOWN) shifts keyboard focus to the next text area.