In addition to using the drop-down list at the top of the view, as documented in the previous section, the current buffer can also be switched using menu item commands and their keyboard shortcuts.
View>Go to Previous Buffer (keyboard shortcut: C+PAGE_UP) switches to the previous buffer in the list.
View>Go to Next Buffer (keyboard shortcut: C+PAGE_DOWN) switches to the next buffer in the list.
View>Go to Recent Buffer (keyboard shortcut: C+BACK_QUOTE) flips between the two most recently edited buffers.
View>Show Buffer Switcher (keyboard shortcut: A+BACK_QUOTE) has the same effect as clicking on the buffer switcher combo box.
If you prefer an alternative graphical paradigm for switching buffers, take a look at one of these plugins:
If you decide to use one of these plugins, you can hide the popup menu buffer switcher in the View pane of the Utilities>Global Options dialog box.
A number of plugins that implement fast keyboard-based buffer switching are available as well: