Math 320 - 101 Course Homepage
Here is the course handout.
Mock Finals: here and here.
Relations Review:
By popular demand, I will hold a review session on relations on Friday 20th at 10am in ILB 465. We will work through this. Solutions.
of the solutions for assignment 8 did not correspond to the questions I
actually set in the end! Whoops! I have updated the posted solutions
Week 14:
This week we will look at left and right inverses of functions and injective and surjective mappings.
Week 13:
This week we will look at functions or maps. We will examine the
formal definition of a function as a relation and will look at various
operations on functions, such as the direct image, and restriction.
Week 12:
This week we will finish with equivalence relations and our
lengthy example of modular arithmetic. We will then start to look at
Week 11:
This week we will look at equivalence relations.
Week 10:
On Monday we have a class test. This will cover set theory and
induction. On Wednesday we will continue with the cartesian product and
will try to make a start on relations.
Week 9:
This week we return to set theory and look at the cartesian product.
Week 8:
We will have a short break from set theory and will look at "proof by induction".
Week 7:
We will continue with set theory this week.
Week 6:
We will make our long overdue start on set theory!
Week 5:
We seem to have a class test on Wednesday. This will take up the
full class time on Wednesday. A few of you have asked for a review
session on Monday. As you are particularly unlikely to listen to me
droning on about sets with a quiz coming up, we might as well have one.
Week 4:
On Wednesday we will finish our section on proofs. We will aim to
make a start on set theory this week too.
See Section 2.1 of the text for set theory.
Assignment 1 typo:
The RHS of the equivalence in Q3(c) of assignment 1 should read
and not
The extra "not" is a copy-paste error!
Week 3:
Monday is a holiday (hurrah!). On Wednesday we'll talk about
proofs. We will start off with the formal definition of a proof. We'll
probably all agree that the formal definition isn't particularly useful
for our purposes. We'll go on to construct our usual idea of a
proof from this definition.
See sections 1.4-1.7 of the text.
Week 2:
This week we will look at the structure of a more interesting type of
statement, namely quantified statements. Our aim is to understand
quantifiers and how to negate statements involving quantifiers.
You should read Section 1.3 of the course text.
For extra practice, try exercises 1.3.1 and 1.3.2.
Thanks to the cracking pace of Wednesday's class, you should now be able to do all of assignment 2.
Week 1:
The aim this week is to motivate the ideas of formal logic and to begin
building our systems of formal logic. We will cover propositions,
connectives, truth tables and conditionals.
You should read Sections 1.1 and 1.2 of the course text.