- p27 line 8: the "non-orientable" should read "orientable".
- p29 Figure
2.6(d): There should be a "twist" in edge 1.
- p31: Definition
2.9 is incorrectly attributed to "Bradford, Butler and Chmutov [8]".
The correct attribution is "Chmutov [16]".
- p59:
Proposition 3.27 is incorrect. In particular Wilson’s Theorem
is misstated. It should read “If M is an orientable regular map, then
its underlying graph is bipartite iff P(M) is also orientable.” [noted
- p63-64:
The last line on p63 and the first few lines of p64 should
read (with changes in bold): ...then the boundary of $e \cup
\{u\} \cup \{v\}$ is a circle, and we can define $G/e$ as the
result of gluing a disc to that circle then deleting $e \cup \{u\}
\cup \{v\}$. [With thanks to Maya Thompson for spotting the
error; noted 2019]
- p51/p57: In the last two lines of the proof of Corollary
3.9, there subscript m’s missing: the two appearances of
$\mathcal(F_{\vec{s}})=\mathcal(F_{\vec{s}’})$ should be
$\mathcal((F_{\vec{s}})_m)=\mathcal((F_{\vec{s}’})_m)$. A similar
comment applies to the proof of Corollary 3.21. [With thanks to Wout
Moltmaker; noted 2021]
- p96: The proof of theorem 4.52 contains a minor typo,
namely a missing 'v' to denote the number of vertices: it should say v(
(G*)^x ) instead of (G*)^x below the computation for P(G;-k) on page 96.
[With thanks to Wout Moltmaker; noted 2021]