Dept of Social Policy and Social Science, Royal Holloway, University of London
Staff Research Interests

Social Policy

The interests of the social policy group include both historical and comparative studies of the development, implementation and evaluation of social policies.
Professor John Edwards has, for the past few years, been carrying out research on affirmative action and preferential treatment policies for racial and ethnic minorities in Great Britain and the United States. He has also been actively researching inner city policies, concentrating on the evaluation of public and private sector activities.
Dr John Macnicol has written widely on the concept of the 'underclass' and its use in policy debates in Britain and the United States. He has also just completed a book on the history of old age pensions in Britain.
Dr Alan Gordon has an interest in employment and unemployment policies both within Britain and with the European Union. He has also been extensively involved in evaluating training and further education programmes in collaboration with the Host Labour Market Intelligence Unit.

Selected Publications

D. Berry-Lound and A. Gordon Attitudes of Employing Organisations to NTETS, NVQs and MCI, HOST Labour Market Intelligence Unit, Horsham, 1994.

N Deakin and J R Edwards The Enterprise Culture and the Inner City, Routledge 1993.

J R Edwards When Race Counts: Affirmative Action and Preference Policies in America and Britain, Routledge, 1994

A Gordon Adult Guidance and Career Counselling: Mapping TEC/LEC Policy and Provision, HOST Labour Market Intelligence Unit, Horsham, 1994.

J S Macnicol 'Welfare, wages and the family: child endowment in comparative perspective, 1900-1950', in R Cooter (ed) In the Name of the Child: Health and Social Policy, 1880-1950, Routledge, 1992.

J S Macnicol 'Beveridge and old age', in J Hills, J Ditch and H Glennerster (eds) Beveridge and Social Security: An International Retrospective, Oxford University Press, 1994.


Although Medical Sociology is the largest research grouping within the Department, the research activity of the sociology group covers many aspects of contemporary cultural and social life, with much work having a comparative or historical dimension.

Dr Colin Gibson has a particular interest in socio-legal studies and law and the family and has recently published a major book on divorce.
Dr Raymond Lee has recently published extensively on research methodology, particularly on researching sensitive topics, the use of computers in qualitative research and the sociological implications of new information technologies. He also has research interests in labour markets and redundancy and the sociology of religion.
Bernice Martin has an international reputation for her work in the sociology of culture. She is, at present, engaged on collaborative studies of pentecostalism in Latin America and of new class values in Europe and North America.
Dr John Mattausch has published widely on the sociology of peace movements and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. He is now engaged on a historical study of the Gujarati community in Gujarat, East Africa and Britain.
Dr Richard Smith has particular interests in the sociology of rural economic life and environmental issues. He is currently studying the concept of sustainability in British agriculture.

Dr Ralph Schroeder (incomplete)

Selected Publications

N Fielding and R M Lee (eds) Using Computers in Qualitative Research, Sage, 1992. (Revised edition)

C Gibson 'Wealth, inheritance and adultery', in A Van der Wonde (ed) The Role of the State and Public Opinion on Sexual Attitudes and Demographic Behaviour, International Commission of Historical Demography, Madrid, 1990.

C Gibson Dissolving Wedlock, Routledge, 1993.

R M Lee Doing Research on Sensitive Topics, Sage, 1993.

B Martin 'Qualitative market research: a profession at the edge of postmodernity' in F Heuberger and H Kellner (eds) Hidden Technocrats: The "New Class", Transaction Press, 1991.

B Martin 'Whose soul is it anyway? Domestic violence and the suffocated soul' in R K Fenn and D Capps (eds) Lost Souls, New York City University Press, 1994.

J Mattausch A Commitment to Campaign: A Sociological Study of CND, Manchester University Press, 1989.

J Mattausch The Gujaratis and the British, CEMS Occasional Papers No. 1. 1993.

Publications by Ralph Schroeder

R Smith 'Farm household strategies and pluriactivity in Upland Scotland', Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol.42, 1991. (with M Shucksmith)

R Smith 'On the margins: uneven development and rural restructuring in the Highlands of Scotland', in T Marsden et al. (eds) Labour and Locality. David Fulton, 1992.

Last modified: 30.08.95

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