Dept of Social Policy and Social Science, Royal Holloway, University of London

Postgraduate Taught Courses : Postgraduate Study by Research

  1. Postgraduate Taught Courses (see below)
  2. Eligibility for Postgraduate Study
  3. Postgraduate study by research
  4. Contact details


1. Postgraduate Taught Courses

We currently offer two MSc courses.
(Note: Detailed information on curricula and assessment on each course can be selecting relevant degree)

Through the Centre for Political Studies, members of the Department also contribute to:

For students whose qualifications do not permit direct registration for a postgraduate degree we offer two courses:

For practitioners in the social services we offer:

We accept full-time and part-time students for all our postgraduate degree programmes except the MSc in Social Work. Teaching for part-time students takes place during the day, generally alongside full-time students.

2. Eligibility for Postgraduate Study

The standard minimum entrance requirement for all our postgraduate degree programmes is a first or upper second class honours degree which must normally be in an appropriate social science subject (except for the MSc in Social Work where graduates in any subject may be considered). Students without the standard qualifications are advised to contact the postgraduate co-ordinator or relevant course director to discuss their eligibility.

Candidates whose first language is not English will be required to produce formal confirmation of proficiency, generally by taking a test organised by the British Council English Language Testing Service. As a condition of entry to the Department of Social Policy and Social Science, candidates are normally expected to have achieved an IELTS score of at least 7 in the written component and a minimum of 6 in the other three components. Details of the English Language Testing Service can be obtained from the College's Graduate School Office. (Addresses)

Informal enquiries about taught courses should be addressed to the relevant course director. Prospectuses and applications forms may be obtained from the Graduate School Office. Completed application forms should be sent to the Graduate School Office. (Addresses)

3. Postgraduate Degrees by Research

We welcome enquiries from graduates wishing to study for research degrees (MPhil/Phd) within any of our component disciplines:

or who wish to adopt an interdisciplinary approach, especially for topics related to our main Research interests.

The Department's postgraduate training programme is recognised by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) for Mode A entry. We currently have 8 ESRC funded research students of a total of 20.

As students of the University of London, our research students have access to all the University's central facilities and to many other College libraries.

We encourage prospective research students to make informal enquiries about Eligibility and the availability of expert supervision through our post-graduate co-ordinator. More details about how to apply are available from her or the College's Graduate School Office (Addresses).


Main address: Course leaders/administrators

Department of Social Policy and Social Science
Royal Holloway
University of London
Surrey TW20 0EX
United Kingdom

Departmental Office:
Telephone: +44 (0)1784 443149
Fax: +44 (0)1784 434375

Undergraduate Admissions Tutor:
Telephone +44 (0) 1784 443152
Fax +44(0)1784 434375

Postgraduate Co-ordinator (Research Degrees and Diplomas):
Telephone +44 (0)1784 443688/7
Fax +44 ( 0) 1784 434375

MSc in Social Work and Diploma and Certificate in Course Management:
Course Administrator: Mrs Sheila Sweet
Telephone +44 (0)1784 443681
Fax +44 (0)1784 434375

MSc in Medical Sociology:
Course Administrator: Ms Karen Caley
Telephone +44 (0)1784 443687
Fax +44(0)1784 434375

MA in the Politics of Democracy:
details to follow:

Postgraduate Prospectuses and Application forms may be obtained from

The Graduate School Office
Royal Holloway
University of London
Surrey TW20 0EX
United Kingdom

Telephone +44 (0)1784 443350
HOW TO FIND US see map

Last modified: 20.09.95

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