Dept of Social Policy and Social Science, Royal Holloway, University of London

Postgraduate Taught Courses

MA in the Politics of Democracy

From October 1995 the Centre for Political Studies will offer a taught MA in the Politics of Democracy. This degree draws together the extensive expertise in politics in the Departments of Social Policy and Social Science and of History which jointly sponsor the Centre for Political Studies.

The purpose of the MA is to give students a thorough grounding in theoretical, institutional and historical aspects of democracy as a political system. One of its many distinctive features is the blend of theoretical, empirical and methodological components. The MA may be taken in full-time mode (12 months) or part-time mode (24 months). A Diploma in the Politics of Democracy will also be available.

Entry Requirements

The standard entrance requirement is a first or upper second class degree in a related subject but the Centre for Political Studies may consider non-standard applications sympathetically.

Course Content

The MA has four component units:

  1. Compulsory course in Research Methods in Political Science
  2. Compulsory course on Comparative Democratic Institutions
  3. Course on Democratic Theory for which students may substitute one of a range of options, many of which focus upon democratic practice in particular countries and regions across the globe
  4. Compulsory dissertation, which must be between 10,000 and 15,000 words in length.


The MA has been recognised by the Economic and Social Research Council for the receipt of advanced course studentships with an 'R' weighting for its research component.

Further information is available from the Graduate School Office or from the course director, Professor John Turner (Department of History).

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Last modified: 20.09.95

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