Dept of Social Policy and Social Science, Royal Holloway, University of London

Sources of Funds for Postgraduate Study

(This module under development)

Up to date details about fees and further details about sources of funds and the current postgraduate fees may be obtained from the College's Postgraduate Prospectus or from the Graduate School Office.

For UK students, the main provision of studentships for research and Master’s degrees in the social sciences is from the Economic and Social Research Council. Full-time awards for UK residents cover fees and maintenance. Part-time candidates for research degrees who cannot reasonably expect their employers to pay fees may be eligible for fees only awards. Full-time candidates ordinarily resident in the European Union (but outside the UK) may be eligible for a fees only award for research or Master’s degrees.

ESRC awards for research degrees are currently made by open competition, and may be held for up to three years, subject to satisfactory progress. Application packages are generally available from your graduating university or from Royal Holloway (not from the ESRC) in February and applications must be submitted directly to the ESRC by 1st May each year. Applicants should note that the research councils’ arrangements for funding PhD research are currently under review and should consult the Graduate School Office for details of any changes.

For 1995, the ESRC is changing its method of awarding advanced course (MSc and MA) studentships to one of allocating quotas of awards to specific courses with a small pool of awards made through open competition. Full details are not available at the time of going to press but applicants wishing to be considered for ESRC advanced course awards are advised to apply to Royal Holloway well in advance of the usual 1st May deadline.

The College also has a number of endowed scholarships and the University of London offers a limited number of Studentships and Fellowships, mainly for graduates of the University of London.

Funding for the MSc in Social Work is provided by the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work.

Last modified: 20.09.95

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