Electronics, Noise and Signal Recovery


Part 1   Electronics

1.   Transistor amplifying devices
2.   Circuit building blocks
3.   Current sources and current mirrors
4.   Common base and cascode amplifiers
5.   Negative feedback
6.   Sinusoidal oscillators
7.   Operational amplifier applications
8.   Operational amplifier design
9.   Stabilized power supplies

Part 2   Noise

10.   Noise and its origins
11.   Noise in amplifying circuits

Part 3   Signal recovery

12.   Introduction to signal recovery
13.   Signal recovery using a lock-in amplifier
14.   Signal averaging techniques
15.   Matched filtering techniques
16.   Radar
17.   Magnetic spin-echo systems
18.   Detection of radio signals
19.   Advanced topics in signal recovery
20.   Signal recovery and image processing
21.   Putting it all in perspective


Appendix A    Semiconductors
Appendix B    Electronic devices
Appendix C    Microwave devices
Appendix D    Sidebands
Appendix E    The sampling theorem

Subject Index
Author Index

Electronics, Noise and Signal Recovery
Davies, E.R.
Academic Press, London (1993), xx + 346 pp.