"Critical Isotherm of a Ferromagnet and of a Fluid", D.S. Gaunt, M.E. Fisher, M.F. Sykes and J.W. Essam, Phys.Rev.Letts,13, 713 (1964)

"Critical Behaviour of the Specific Heat, Magnetisation and Susceptibility of a Three Dimensional Ising Ferromagnet", D.S. Gaunt and J.W. Essam, Proceedings of the International Conference on Magnetism, Nottingham, England, September 1964.

"The Crystal Statistics of the Diamond Lattice", J.W. Essam and M.F. Sykes, Physica 29, No. 4, 378-388, (1963)

"Padé Approximant Studies of the Lattice Gas and Ising Ferromagnet below the Critical Point", J.W. Essam and M.E. Fisher, J.Chem.Phys., 38, No. 4, 802-812 (1963)

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