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Results of research



We have identified 22 shade avoidance-defective mutants, falling into three categories: 8 mutant lines show increased response to shade, 13 lines show decreased response, 1 constitutive shade response after screening 30,000 M2 lines from 1800 EMS mutagenised seeds.



(wild type)











Figure 1  Bio-luminescence expression pattern of shade mutant  individual seedlings in response to shade

                                            I1: before shade, I2: after 2 hours shade, I3: 2 hours white light again


Following analysis of additional physiological phenotypes of these 22 mutants in order to find characteristics that may help in mapping of the mutations, 5 interesting mutant lines were chosen for further analysis. The bio-luminescence up-regulated mutant line, A, showed curled leaves in soil. Another up-regulated line, B, showed compact, round leaves and later flowering in soil. The down-regulated line, C, displayed compact/wide-base leaves and more branches in soil. Another down-regulated line, D, showed exaggerated elongation of hypocotyls in both red and far red light. One further mutant line, E, was chosen because it showed an additional phenotype in response to storage in cold.



                                        Ws(wild type)          Mutant B                               mutant B              Ws                       

Figure 2 phenotype of mutant B in soil


The segregation of F2 from the cross between the parental PHYB::LUC line in the Ws ecotype or the Col mapping ecotype and the mutants were analysed. B and D based on the fact that its associated physiological phenotype will be of interest independent.


Future study


My future study will focus on map-based cloning of the selection of the mutant genes followed by research into the functions of these genes. Now the first mapping is in progress.

All rights are reserved by Xuewen Wang 2005-2009

Update on  2006-2-23