The MARK_PREVIOUS rule, which must be placed inside a RULES tag, highlights from the end of the previous syntax token to the matched text. The text to match is specified between opening and closing MARK_PREVIOUS tags. The following attributes are supported:
TYPE - The token type to highlight the text with. See the section called “Token Types” for a list of token types.
AT_LINE_START - If set to TRUE, the sequence will only be highlighted if it occurs at the beginning of a line.
AT_WHITESPACE_END - If set to TRUE, the sequence will only be highlighted if it is the first non-whitespace text in the line.
AT_WORD_START - If set to TRUE, the sequence will only be highlighted if it occurs at the beginning of a word.
EXCLUDE_MATCH - If set to TRUE, the match will not be highlighted, only the text before it will.
Here is a rule that highlights labels in Java mode (for example, “XXX:”):